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Primary Care Services, Chronic Illness, HIV, Diabetes, PrEP, PEP

Meeting people where they are

Assisting and giving hope to people living with chronic illnesses and individuals who are at risk of acquiring chronic illnesses. 

Our Goal, Vision & Values

 Help Make Change

Impart Knowledge & Reduce Stigma

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Serving our communities. 

A brief overview of the services we offer.

Core Services of Positive Assistance, Primary Care, Doctor, Patient, Treatment, Prevention, Chronic Illness, HIV, Diabetes, medical exam.

Case Management

A case manager helps individuals navigate the health care system and can help provide the proper resources based on the person's needs. They assist individuals living with HIV in obtaining medical care by offering information and referrals.​

Mentorship, Group Support, Education, Treatment, Prevention, HIV, stigma, challenges.

Mentorship & Group Support

​Providing mentorship and group support to Individuals living with HIV who have had to overcome the stigma and challenges of the disease and are here to support and assist.​

HIV Screening, Bloodwork, tests, treatment, Prevention, Chronic Illnesses, PrEP, PEP

HIV Screening

​Testing for HIV is the only way to know for sure if you are HIV positive. Many people do not have any symptoms and can live for many years without knowing they have the virus.

Outreach, Events, Group, Rafael tents, Gay Pride, Treatment, Prevention.



​Our goal is to provide outreach events and youth educational programs that will encourage preventative practices through education for both adult and youth audiences.

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At Positive Assistance, we prioritize serving individuals and impacting our communities.



Positive Assistance takes pleasure in imparting knowledge on how to prevent or live with chronic illnesses.



One of our primary goals is to help in reducing the stigma against HIV/AIDS through education so that we can contribute to a safe environment for those living with it.



Providing the best care for our patients is one of our primary functions in helping to be an agent for change in Florida.

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